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Horus tree bugs

MessagePosté: Dim Juin 24, 2007 9:09 am
par Stonik
I am going to say this in English since I don't know French.
Bugs for Horus tree in
1)Funeral sacrifice: does not work, tried several times
2)Transformation into a Pharaoh: works, but not every time like once in every ten times you use it, and your weapons disappear each time you use that skill.
3)Conservation of life: does not give any vitality points to the hero
4)Drain of the mummy: does not work
5)Posture of Horus: the critical percentage in not working properly.
6)Glyphe of the lightning: I tested that several times, and I don't see the damage difference.(I could be wrong)
7)Earthquake: does not take away any mana when you use it.
Curse of the Lightning: this is not a bug, but damn this skill is unbalanced.
Lets compare it to the lightning for example, lvl 10 skill lightning does 222-518 (2 sec cooldown) and uses 75 mana, while Curse of the lightning at lvl 10 skill 125-209 in 3 sec (5 sec cooldown) and uses 199 mana. The difference b/w those skills get even more unbalanced in higher levels.Why anybody would want to use curse? Even little kid can do the math, and say lighting will do more damage over time and use less mana then curse.

MessagePosté: Dim Juin 24, 2007 4:25 pm
par ElBebop

Sorry but we aren't linked with developers team. Try to post your bugs on this forum.

I close this post (Unfortunately, wa can't do anything for you :/ ).

Je ferme et répète que nous ne sommes pas liés aux développeurs. Pour tout reporting de bug, allez sur le forum officiel du jeu.