1: The Anvil [Requiert : Lvl 45]
+(20 à 30) de Force
10% reduced Attack Speed
10% reduced Cast Speed
+(400 à 500) pour l'armure
+(30 à 40) Life gained when you Block
+(15 à 20) Mana gained when you Block
Réduction de 20% de la vitesse des mouvements
+3% to maximum Block Chance
10% supplémentaires de bloquer les attaques
Reflects 200–250 Physical Damage to Attackers on Block
"Forge your Perseverance on the Anvil of Faith."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Amber Amulet de qualité normal.

2: Araku Tiki
(2.0 à 4.0) de vie régénérée par seconde
You gain 100 Evasion Rating when on Low Life
+(30 à 50) de PV supplémentaires
+(20 à 30)% pour la résistance contre le feu
1.0% of Life Regenerated per Second while on Low Life
"It is said to make you invisible when the Great Spirit comes to take you on your final journey."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Coral Amulet de qualité normal.

3: Astramentis [Requiert : Lvl 20]
+(10 to 16) to all Attributes
+(80 to 100) to all Attributes
−4 Physical Damage taken from Attacks
"Mindless rage will shake the world, Cunning lies will bend it. Reckless haste will break the world, And into darkness send it."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Onyx Amulet de qualité normal.

4: Atziri's Foible [Requiert : Lvl 16]
(20 to 30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+50 to maximum Mana
(8 to 12)% increased maximum Mana
(40 to 60)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements
"The world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric. We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White. The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same. - Jaetai, Vaal Advisor"
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Paua Amulet de qualité normal.

5: Carnage Heart [Requiert : Lvl 20]
+(10 to 16) to all Attributes
+(20 to 40) to all Attributes
(6 to 10)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched back as Life
25% reduced maximum Life
25% reduced maximum Energy Shield
+(10 to 20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Extra Gore
"Forged from the blood of countless wars, its thirst has only begun."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Onyx Amulet de qualité normal.

6: Daresso's Salute [Requiert : Lvl 16]
+(16 to 24) to Strength and Dexterity
50% reduced maximum Energy Shield
+(30 to 40)% to Fire Resistance
+(30 to 40)% to Cold Resistance
10% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
+2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range
60% increased Melee Damage when on Full Life
""A bit short in the arm, are you? Then you'll be short of a head soon enough." - Daresso the Daring"
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Citrine Amulet de qualité normal.

7: Demigod's Presence [Requiert : Lvl 8]
(12 to 20)% increased Rarity of Items found
+20% to all Elemental Resistances
20% increased Character Size
"The maidens of court swoon to see the challengers crushed at your feet."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Gold Amulet de qualité normal.

8: Eye of Chayula [Requiert : Lvl 20]
+(10 to 16) to all Attributes
20% reduced maximum Life
30% increased Rarity of Items found
Cannot be Stunned
"Never blinking, always watching."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Onyx Amulet de qualité normal.

9: The Ignomon [Requiert : Lvl 8]
(12 to 20)% increased Rarity of Items found
+10 to Dexterity
Adds 12–24 Fire Damage
+(100 to 150) to Accuracy Rating
+(100 to 150) to Evasion Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
"The light that reveals is the glare that blinds."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Gold Amulet de qualité normal.

10: Karui Ward [Requiert : Lvl 5]
+(20 to 30) to Dexterity
+(20 to 30) to Strength
+100 to Accuracy Rating
30% increased Projectile Speed
10% increased Movement Speed
""Shoot first, ask no questions." - Karui wisdom"
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Jade Amulet de qualité normal.

11: Sidhebreath [Requiert : Lvl X]
(20 to 30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
1% of Physical attack Damage Leeched back as Mana
+25% to Cold Resistance
Minions have (10 to 15)% increased maximum Life
Minions have (10 to 15)% increased Movement Speed
Minions deal (10 to 15)% increased Damage
"The breath of life is yours to give."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Paua Amulet de qualité normal.

12: Stone of Lazhwar [Requiert : Lvl 5]
+(20 to 30) to Intelligence
50% of Block Chance applied to Spells
+(30 to 50) to maximum Mana
(10 to 15)% increased Cast Speed
"You are slow, foolish and ignorant. I am not."
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Lapis Amulet de qualité normal.

13: Victario's Acuity [Requiert : Lvl 16]
+(16 to 24) to Dexterity and Intelligence
+(30 to 40)% to Lightning Resistance
+(8 to 10)% to Chaos Resistance
10% Chance of Adding a Frenzy Charge when you Kill an enemy
10% Chance of Adding a Power Charge when you Kill an enemy
5% increased Projectile Speed per Frenzy Charge
5% increased Projectile Damage per Power Charge
""Grind your words into sharp thoughts. Grind your thoughts into the sharpest of deeds." - Victario, the People's Poet"
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Turquoise Amulet de qualité normal.

14: Voll's Devotion [Requiert : Lvl 32]
+(16 to 24) to Strength and Intelligence
+(30 to 40) to maximum Life
+(20 to 30) to maximum Energy Shield
+(15 to 20)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% reduced Endurance Charge Duration
30% reduced Power Charge Duration
Gain an Endurance Charge when a Power Charge expires or is consumed
"“We are the soldiers of Faith, armoured in devotion. Let the sinners come, for we—the Pure—shall endure!” —Voll of Thebrus, at the Battle of the Bridge"
---> Cet item peut être crafté via une orbe de chance, sur l'item Agate Amulet de qualité normal.