Impressions sur la 1.7 finale

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Impressions sur la 1.7 finale

Messagepar Toubib » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 4:19 pm

Maintenant que ce patch tant attendu est sorti, je propose que l'on regroupe nos impressions sur l'utilisation de celui-ci. Dites nous si vous avez l'impression que ce change quelque chose ou alors que ca ne change rien...... En êtes vous au moins un petit peu contents????
Messages: 1566
Inscription: Jeu Juil 22, 2004 7:48 am

Messagepar tome » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 4:29 pm

Si on avait une fix list et une update list, on pourrait regarder.
Je viens de me faire une demi-heure et j'ai rien vu de nouveau par rapport à la 1.7.38

Si quelqu'un a une liste des changements...
Égorgeur de Rats
Messages: 31
Inscription: Sam Aoû 21, 2004 3:28 pm

Messagepar Greven » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 4:43 pm

Pour l'instant, les seules différences que j'ai pu voir c'est que les squelettes mages arrivaient à invoquer des squelettes (je ne les avait pas vu faire ça en beta) et il y a aussi une bonne augmentation du nombre de serveur, il y en a 2 en platine et il y en a en nobium.
Messages: 3740
Inscription: Jeu Mai 06, 2004 7:10 am
Localisation: Lyon

Messagepar Dercas » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 4:49 pm

Voici le read me en anglais que j'ai eu avec ma version US :

Readme File

Last updated: 30/08/2004
Version 1.7

1. General
2. Changes and Additions to the Manual
3. Changes in this Version (new features)
4. Known Problems
5. System Requirements
6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
7. Technical Notes
8. Driver Help
9. Customer Support
10. Technical Support

1. General (back to top)
Welcome to the World of Ancaria!
The following pages offer useful tips and help in case you experience difficulties regarding the content or technical problems.

2. Changes and Additions to the Manual (back to top)
A) Latest Changes (since Update 1.7):
You will find information about all changes from Version 1.6.6. here.
For more detailed information please visit You will also find a board there where you can discuss issues with developers and other players, find out about new fighting strategies or receive useful tips on how to advance your character.

Please note!

Since Version 1.7 you have the choice between two Lobbies (start rooms for multiplayer games). For details on how to select the correct Lobby see 2.1 Lobby Selection.

If you continue to play existing characters (Version 1.6.6) it is possible that some items will change. In extreme cases it is also possible that your old characters become "miss-skilled" (meaning their properties make it more difficult to play them than before) due to the changes described under 2.9 Changes of Balancing. We recommend starting a new character in these cases.

New Features
Sacred 1.7 contains several features, which have been requested by the Community. These are described below.

2.1 Lobby Selection

Sacred 1.7 features numerous balancing changes at the request of the Community, which may lead to some characters being "miss-skilled". Therefore, we offer you a choice which lobby you wish to use until further notice. To configure your lobby please go to Start -> Ascaron Entertainment -> Sacred -> Settings. When "Use the old lobby" is checked, you will frequent the old lobby.

Old Lobby:
You will find your old characters here (based on Version 1.6.6).

New Lobby:
You will make a fresh start here without having to delete your old characters. This is the default selection after installing the update.

This means that overall you have twelve characters at your disposal in Sacred now.

Please note:

The old lobby is merely for old characters; you are unable to start new characters there. This is only possible in the new lobby from now on.

2.2 Trade Screen (SHIFT + left click on player)

If you want to trade with another player press and hold the SHIFT key and click on the player. A dialogue will open and inform you that you have sent a trade request and to whom you have sent it. This dialogue can be cancelled:

If the person you would like to trade with is busy, your request will be instantly denied and you will be informed accordingly.

Your trading partner will receive a small, clickable line above the potions informing him of your request. If your trading partner does not click on this line, the dialogue will close after approx. 10 seconds and you will be informed that your request has been ignored.

When your trade partner clicks on this line, another dialogue will open and you can now trade:

You may put any items into the trade window. If you want to trade gold, you can increase or decrease the amount with your UP or DOWN key. You may also enter the total you wish to transfer; simply click on the line where the amount of gold is displayed.
The trade is finalized when both trading partners press OK. Every change to your offer will result in the deactivation of the OK button so that you will have to confirm again.
After finalizing the trade, the trade screen will close and the traded items appear in the inventory.

If you want to talk to your trading partner, you can open the input line by pressing ENTER. Only your trading partner will be able to read the messages you type now.

Both parties can close this dialogue at any time by pressing ESC. The trade will be cancelled and all items will return to the respective inventories.

2.3 Casting Spells on Portraits

Previously, whenever you wanted to heal another player or a hireling during a fight you had to find the clickable area of that character which could be awkward sometimes. With Sacred 1.7, you can now cast healing or other beneficial spells on the portrait on the top right corner of your screen. For information, which spells may be cast on other players or hirelings please refer to the spell description.

The target of your spell has to be in your vicinity so that the spell may be cast successfully. Generally (the distance may vary from case to case) the red circle can be used as a guideline for the range that can be covered:

If the targeted character is out of range, you will receive a message (when casting on another player) or the function can simply not be executed (in case of hirelings).

2.4 Quick Teleport using the Portrait (Multiplayer)

You can teleport yourself to another team member by pressing SHIFT and left clicking on the name of the player. In Sacred Version 1.7, you may now additionally use SHIFT and left click on the portrait of the player to teleport yourself there. Please remember that you cannot teleport yourself while riding a horse! You will have to dismount first.

2.5 New Portal on the Starting Island (Multiplayer)

A new portal has been erected in the North-East corner of the starting island. This will instantly take you to the location where your character last died so that you do not have to cover long distances. Please remember that your opponents may have regenerated while you were gone, unless some of your team members were present.

2.6 New Difficulty Level Niob, lowered Requirement for Access to Silver and Display of Level Restrictions in the Lobby

Sacred Version 1.7 features a new difficulty level: Niob. This requires a minimum level of 140.
Accessing the difficulty level of Silver now requires a minimum character level of 20 instead of 30.
All level restrictions will now be displayed in the lobby while attempting to enter a room when the character is too high or too low in level. Your character may only enter a room when the difficulty level corresponds with your character or is one level lower.

Here is an overview of the level restrictions:
Character level 1 - 59: Access to Bronze Room
Character level 20 - 99: Access to Silver Room
Character level 60 - 139: Access to Gold Room
Character level 100 - 206: Access to Platinum Room
Character level 140 - 206: Access to Niob Room

2.7 Survival Bonus

A new character property has been added: Survival Bonus. This property will increase by fighting. The higher the survival bonus the longer it will take to increase it (it will take a lot longer to increase from 51 % to 52 % than from 1 % to 2 %).
In order to display the bonus open your inventory and move your mouse pointer over "Weapons" in your character screen.

A high survival bonus will

increase the damage dealt by the character and
increase the character's chances to find special magic items.
When the character dies, the survival bonus will be reset to 0.

2.8 Miscellaneous in-game Changes

These features were also implemented in Sacred Version 1.7:

Team messages may now be sent with CTRL + ENTER.
Items' sockets will now be displayed in the equipment screen (to the right of the inventory).
The exchange of items from the blue chest into the inventory and back will now work with SHIFT + left click just like with traders.
The regeneration duration of combat arts and spells will now be displayed with a decimal place.
You can now change your character's name in the character selection screen. Simply click on the padlock displayed before your character's name.
Please remember to confirm the new name by pressing ENTER.

You can now change your e-mail address in the lobby under Profile.
A new selection box for IP addresses has been added when creating an OpenNet game.
The search function in the lobby will now also display players who are not present in the lobby but in an already opened game.
A port scan for OpenNet servers has been implemented.
It is now possible to create your own game in the ClosedNet ("Ascaron Net").
Potions of Mentors can no longer be bought from traders. Instead, they will drop from monsters or they can be found in magical hiding places.

Changes to Balancing
2.9 Character Balancing

The changes to the values of the characters will be roughly explained in this chapter. For further questions, please refer to our board at You can discuss any balancing issues there with the community and the developers.

2.9.1 Stun Spells (Spells which will render your opponent temporarily unable to fight)

The effect of all stun spells like Petrification, Awaken Dead, Plant Cage, Transformation, Knockback Arrow or Conversion have been adjusted.

Generally, these rules apply: For a spell to be effective, the level of the spell should be as high as possible and it must be at least a fifth of the opponent's level; approx. a tenth of the character's level is also taken into account. Another additional third of these values has to be added so that the spell may be effective against enemy bosses.

This is merely a general guideline; deviations are possible. Some opponents like dragons are resistant to these spells no matter how high the level of the spell is.

2.9.2 Slowing Spells

The effects of all slowing spells like Ring of Ice or Battle Fog have also been adjusted.
The higher the level of the spell is in comparison to the opponent's level the more the opponents will be slowed down.
However, they will not entirely stand still as they did up until Version 1.6.6.

2.9.3 Gladiator

Stomping Jump: The regeneration time has been reduced and the radius of effectiveness has been increased.
Throwing Blades: The damage has been fixed.
Dagger Stare: The regeneration time has been reduced and the damage has been increased.

2.9.4 Seraphim

Combat Jump: The regeneration time has been reduced. The Seraphim is now able to move as soon as the special move has dealt damage and she does not have to wait anymore until the animation is finished.
Lightning Strike: The regeneration time has been reduced and the damage has been increased.
Celestial Light: The duration is now increasable; the regeneration time has been reduced and the damage has been increased.
Rotating Blades of Light: The spell may now be cast on allies. The regeneration time has been reduced and both damage and duration have been increased.
Light: The spell is now effective against ghosts. The duration and the damage have been increased.
Strength of Faith: The duration has been increased.

2.9.5 Wood Elf

Multiple Shot: The damage has been decreased.
Thorn Bush: The regeneration time has been reduced and the damage has been increased.
Poisoned Tendrils: The duration is now increasable.
Call of the Ancestors: The duration is now increasable. As long as the spell is active, it cannot be recast.
Recuperation: The amount of health that can be healed with this spell has been increased.
For changes concerning Knockback Arrow and Conversion, please refer to 2.9.1, Stun Spells.

2.9.6 Dark Elf

Ballistics: Does now give a damage bonus to all traps. The bonus given from dexterity has been fixed.
Bottomless Pit: The regeneration time has been reduced. Damage and duration are now increasable.
Poison Mist: The damage has been increased. The duration is now increasable.
Explosive Charge: The damage has been increased.
Confusion: The regeneration time has been reduced.

2.9.7 Battle Mage

Fireball: The regeneration time of the starting spell has been reduced at the beginning; the damage and the frequency of the fireballs has been increased.
Purgatory: The regeneration time has been reduced and the damage has been increased.
Flameskin: The damage, the resistance bonus, the defense bonus and the duration have been increased.
Stoneskin: The resistance bonuses and the duration have been increased.
Meteor Storm: The regeneration time has been reduced; the damage has been increased.
Whirlwind: The duration has been increased.
Gust of Wind: The regeneration time has been reduced; the damage has been increased.
Spiritual Healing: The amount of health that is healed has been increased.
Reiki: The regeneration effect has been reduced but the duration has been significantly increased.
Ghost Meadow: The effect has been reduced but the duration has been significantly increased.

2.9.8 Vampiress

Wolf Call: The levels of the summoned animals have been fixed.
Turn into Vampire: The Vampiress is now able to move as soon as the morphing has been completed so she does not have to wait until the animation is finished.
The damage taken during the day has been adjusted. The skill Vampirism has to be approx. ten times as high as the combat art Turn into Vampire to avoid damage during the day.

2.10 Balancing of Opponents

These issues have been addressed:

Health and resistances have been adjusted in correspondence with the difficulty levels.
The resistances of high-level opponents are working as intended now.
The damage for ranged fighters has been reduced.
The chances to hit have been increased in the Bronze difficulty level.
Shaddar'Rim will now give 50 % more experience.
Giant Spiders now all have boss status (except those that are quest opponents).

2.11 Healing Potions

Sacred Version 1.7 now features a new system for healing potions. The healing potions, which are dropped from monsters or offered from traders have now been adjusted to the difficulty levels of the game:

Bronze: Lesser Healing Potions only.
Silver: Lesser and Strong Healing Potions.
Gold: Strong and Full Healing Potions.
Platinum: Full Healing Potions only.
Niob: Full Healing Potions only.

Use the following formula to determine the amount of health that any healing potion will replenish:

Percentage of maximum health healed = Potion value / Divisor.

Divisor: Bronze=1, Silver=2, Gold=3, Platinum=4, Niob=5.
Potion value: Lesser Healing Potion=120, Strong Healing Potion=200, Potion of Full Health=300.

Only a maximum of 100 % of your own health can be replenished.


A Lesser Healing Potion in the difficulty level Bronze will completely replenish your character's health (120 / 1 = 120 %, capped at 100 %), whereas the same potion in the difficulty level Silver will replenish only about 60 % of your health (120 / 2 = 60 %). With a maximum health of 100, your life points would be increased by 60 but to no more than 100 overall.

2.12 Miscellaneous Balancing Issues

Implemented new difficulty level Niob (please see 2.6).
Quest items and portal runes will now be picked up with auto-collect providing the options Gold / Uniques have been activated.
Skeleton skulls will no longer be weapons, but they can be forged into sockets.

2.13 Extensive Revamp of Items

Items have been revised regarding their attributes and names

New sets and uniques have been added

Special items like Icons have been added

B) Previous Changes (incl. Update 1.6.6):
Option menu "Mouse: Follow Enemy": If this option has been activated the mouse pointer will follow a foe while you are moving. This will help you in battle.

Option menu "FSAA": FSAA stands for "Full Scene Anti-Aliasing" and is a filtering process, which softens up edges of objects. If the option is deactivated and you zoom in, you will notice "steps" on the edges of enemies and characters. These are softened up when FSAA is activated.
Please note: The activation of this option can cause a slow-down of up to 20 %, depending on your processor and graphics card. Therefore, the option is by default deactivated. Please see also "4. Known Problems".

Targeted opponents with name texts and resistance symbols: In game, when the mouse pointer is over an opponent the name text is shown above the compass. The color of the text shows how strong an opponent is; white is a normal opponent, blue is a champion and gold is a boss opponent.
Next to the name, you will find 4 resistance symbols: Poison, Magical, Fire and Physical resistance. The brighter this symbol is, the better is the opponent's resistance against one or all of the 4 damage types.

Windows Start Menu - "Settings": In addition to the in-game options this menu offers the following extended configuration choices:

"Fullscreen": When activated, the game will start in full-screen mode; this is the default setting. Once deactivated the game is played in window mode with a resolution of 1024x768. Please note: The desktop must have at least this minimum resolution in order to play in window mode.
"Play movies": Intro and in-game movies will be played when this option is active (default setting).
"32 Bit Color Depth": The game starts with a 16 bit color depth by default. When you activate 32 bit (True Color) more colors are provided but the game may slow down by about 30 %.
Please see also "4. Known Problems" and "6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)".
"Filter active (Anti-Aliasing)": This option is in essence the same as the FSAA option in-game. The default setting is deactivated.
Please note: Activating this option will provide smoother edges around the in-game characters but it may slow down the game up to 20 %. Please see also "4. Known Problems" and "6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)").
"Sound Activated": When this setting is checked (default setting), you will play Sacred with sound. This function should only be deactivated for testing purposes in case you experience any starting or sound problems.
"Video Compatibility Mode": This should only be activated if you have problems playing the movie files in-game (default setting is deactivated).
"OK": Saves the options you have selected and closes the tool.
"Use the old lobby": With Version 1.7, you will be offered the choice to play new characters in multiplayer mode or to continue with your old characters from Version 1.6.6. For the latter please activate this setting.
"Create Logfile": Should you experience any in-game faults it might be useful to activate this feature. When you start Sacred again, the game will save all relevant information to the debug.log file (single player mode) or to the sacred_network.log (multiplayer mode). If these problems occur again, they will be recorded. Please compress (zip) these two log files and a save game and send them to ( and add a description of the error you encountered. This will increase our chances to find and fix the error.
"Reset": Resets any changes you have made since opening the Settings tool.
"Default": Restores the default settings for Sacred.

Multiplayer Ports: The standard ports in multiplayer are:
2005-2010 (Game Ports)
7064 (Lobby Port).
These can be customized in the gameserver.cgf file (or in game for dedicated server options).

Multiplayer, Dedicated Server: A dedicated Sacred server can be started when "Net gameserver" is selected in the Start menu. With this type of server, the creator offers an opportunity for other players to play online but he is not compelled to play at the same time. This feature is intended for experienced users only and unfortunately, we are not able to provide any kind of support in this area. Here are two relevant issues for experienced users: 1.) To create an Internet game (LAN is NOT supported!!) you will need a direct connection to the internet and the computer you are using as a server must respond to ping queries. 2.) If you experience problems using the gameserver.exe (especially under Win98se/WinME) then please add "netlog" at the end of the command line

Page 29 Manual, Option: 3D-Sound: This selection has been removed for compatibility reasons.

Character Level Restrictions for Multiplayer difficulty levels: The character level restrictions for multiplayer mode are:

Character level 1 - 59: Access to Bronze room.
Character level 20 - 99: Access to Silver room.
Character level 60 - 139: Access to Gold room
Character level 100 - 206: Access to Platinum room
Character level 140 - 206: Access to Niob room.

Auto-Update: In the Start Menu, you will find an option to auto-update Sacred "Update Software". Starting this tool will download and install any available updates automatically. If there are none present or the game has already been updated to the latest version the message Already up-to-date will appear.

3. Changes in this Version (new features) (back to top)

This list contains all bug fixes since Version 1.6.6. Some of these bugs may have been saved with the characters or with saved games. Please be aware of the fact that these errors may re-occur when you load a saved game or continue to play an old character.

Version 1.7 (30.08.2004):

Single and Multiplayer:

Main or side quest NPCs could sometimes be attacked, especially after the world has changed (Invasion of the Undead). This problem has been fixed.

Overflow when learning from runes (an increase in level above 255 led to level 0) has been fixed.

Picking up specific items with ALT + left click when there is a large number of items on the ground is now possible without difficulties.

Various errors with the main or side quests have been fixed.

Texts of law will no longer be inscribed into the Enemies category when they are read from a scroll or book.

All opponents will now have correct names (some bears were without a name, for example).

The display of the resistance icons has been fixed. On occasion, when an item with a resistance was equipped the corresponding icon would disappear.

Colors of item names have been adjusted.

On occasion, the horses of the Shaddar'Rim would appear to be without a rider.

The horse will now be correctly saved and it will pass on to the next difficulty level with your character.

A rarely occurring crash when an opponent came into line of sight has been fixed.

The effects of all special moves have now been fixed (Critical blow, -3 % life when hit etc.)

All auras (i.e. after drinking a Potion of the Mentors) will now be gone after loading a character or a saved game.

Sometimes items would indefinitely flicker above the character's head when the inventory was full. This has been fixed.

A random crash that would occur when a spell was cast on the team portrait has now been fixed.

Item names and damage values will now be displayed on the proper level (i.e. first floor, second floor, bridge).

The damage bonus given by statues will now count towards spells.

All opponents (for example Mountain Giants) should now have portraits in the logbook and the character statistics.

The properties of the fourth hireling will now be displayed correctly.

Wood Elf and Dark Elf can now wear their sunglasses (special item).

The bonus calculation of Quick as a Flash was not working as intended and it has now been fixed: So far, the speed was invariably set to 220 when casting this spell.

The character will no longer move while holding CTRL. This could happen when shooting at an opponent outside the line of sight (behind a tree for example).

The novice should no longer appear outside the barrier.

The list of sets in the inventory should no longer stretch to the outside of the screen when too many items of different sets have been equipped.

Opponents who have had Transformation cast on them will no longer hit normally.

Resistances of high-level opponents now work as intended.

Single player:

Bugs (i.e. missing quest items, dynamic quest NPCs could be attacked) in dynamic quests have been fixed.

The inventory will no longer alter (some player had people in their inventories).

The horse, which has to be saved in a dynamic quest has an icon now.

The tutorial window will no longer appear in the main menu when the game had been exited while the tutorial window was still open.

Bug of the tutorial window in conjunction with the logbook has been fixed.


All known exploits have been fixed.

The fog-of-war will now be saved with the character data. This means that the character will keep the already explored areas of the map in single player mode and in multiplayer mode (internet and LAN), even if he has not moved in the current game yet.

A bug, which caused character names to either disappear or swap in LAN or in ClosedNet ("Ascaron Net"), has been fixed.

The physical memory for characters has been increased. This will ensure that characters with lots of small objects in their inventory and their blue chest will now be saved correctly.

All known problems concerning routers and firewalls have been fixed.
Please note: If you want to play online you have to configure your router/firewall and open TCP ports 2005-2010 (default ports) as well as port 7064 (new lobby of Version 1.7) and port 12300 (old lobby of Version 1.6.6).

Default color will appear after colored character names: A red character name for example would cause everything that was written in the chat line after the character name to be in red. This will no longer happen; after the character's name, the chat line will switch back to the original color.

The colors indicating another character's distance from your own position will now work with colored character names.

When you left ClosedNet and went straight into OpenNet you were not able to create a game. This has been fixed.

Cabinets facing the wrong way will no longer appear in multiplayer mode.

Resurrection can no longer be cast on other players.

The rising of dead opponents has been fixed.

Sometimes a game would remain active despite of the message Connection lost. This has been fixed.

All known problems concerning horses in multiplayer mode have been fixed.

The rescued Seraphim in the starting region can no longer be hailed repeatedly in order to gain more runes.

The "Sort Items" feature has now been given a delay of two seconds. This has been done in order to prevent pressing the button repeatedly, which would cause lag.

Occasionally items disappeared from inventories or changed. This has been fixed.

Dragon fire will now be visible to all players on the server (so far it was only visible for the player who jumped to the dragon first.)

Opponents would not carry weapons in case a client entered a region or a sector first. This has been fixed..

On rare occasions some pieces of armor would not be displayed when a character logged in (for example, the mage's hood was invisible and he had to re-equip it.) This has been fixed.

Sporadically grey opponents would be created in regions (specific spawns accidentally received a team minimum level rather than the maximum level). This has been fixed.

Version 1.6.6 (20.04.2004):

The following list sums up the new features and changes that have been implemented since the original release (Version
A more detailed Version history (incl. bug fixes, further changes and possibly new updates) is available on the official Sacred Homepage at the official Sacred Board.

Forging of Items: An additional tool tip has been added. It will display details about the items you are going to forge into the weapon.

Performance: The overall performance has been significantly improved.

Colors of foe's Health-circles: The displayed color indicates the difficulty of the enemy in relation to the player's current level.

Dynamic Quest NPCs: NPCs who offer randomly generated quests are now displayed as light-blue dots on the mini-map (TAB) instead of white dots.

Multiplayer, ClosedNet Game server: Ascaron now has the ability to send server-wide messages to all players to inform them about important issues (for example maintenance and down times).

Version 1.5 (26.03.2004):

Multiplayer, Team Chat: The ability to whisper and a team chat feature have been implemented: "/t [account name of team member]".

Multiplayer, Game info: Entering "/?" in a lobby or while playing on a game server will now display detailed information.

Multiplayer, Player info: The account name will now only be shown in the network information screen. Underneath the player portrait only the character name will be displayed.

Multiplayer, Network information: Player information (key "N") has been extended to include the current character level.

Multiplayer, more teams: Up to four teams can now be created.

Multiplayer, Character name: Players can now change their character's name in OpenNet or in LAN games by opening the console with "^" and typing SYS RENAME "CHARNAME".
This does not apply for ClosedNet ("AscaronNet").

Version (13.03.2004):

Battle Mage, Fireball: The speed of the fireball now increases with the player's level.

"Enemies die on Sight": The effect "Enemies die on Sight" of special items will no longer give experience points and it is much harder to find items with this effect.

Horses: Horses now leave tracks.

"settings.cfg": An extra option has been added "WARNING_LEVEL" where you can configure the health display. You can set it to flash at a certain percentage of health (0 - 100, default value is 25).

Multiplayer, Whispering: Whispering is now available for multiplayer games by using the syntax "/w NAME TEXT", where "NAME" is either "ACCOUNTNAME" or "ACCOUNTNAME.CHARACTERNAME". Please note that names are always case sensitive. The recipient of the message has to be in the same room or in the same game as the sender.

Multiplayer, Game info: The help feature "/?" has been extended to show different information in the lobby or in game.

Multiplayer, Quick Teleport: Quick teleport (CTRL - click name) to another team member while riding a horse has been disabled. This has been known to cause problems when teleporting to someone who is in an area where horses are not permitted (for example houses and dungeons).

Version (27.02.2004):

Save Games: The size of save games has been significantly reduced.

Forged Runes: Runes may be forged into items. Previously, this did not increase the regeneration time of the corresponding combat art. The regeneration time will now increase for a third of the regeneration time that would have been the result of adding the rune to combat arts.

Multiplayer, Hardcore Mode: Hardcore Mode has been implemented: When you create a character on the internet, you can select a skull. This will add your character to hardcore mode. You will only be able to enter hardcore rooms with that character. If your character dies in hardcore mode, it will be irrevocably dead; the character will be saved and the body will remain. Dead characters are displayed as transparent ghosts. You may enter rooms with this character but will no longer be able to participate in games.

Multiplayer, Displayed rooms: Only rooms that can be frequented with the current character will be displayed (Hardcore, OpenNet, ClosedNet).

4. Known Problems (back to top)
Avoid task changes while in Full-screen Mode: While playing Sacred in full-screen mode task changes (ALT-TAB) should be avoided. If you want to switch between tasks, you should prefer playing Sacred in window mode, which you can activate in the "Settings" menu (Start - Programs - Ascaron Entertainment - Sacred - Settings). Simply uncheck Fullscreen.

Please note: Programs, which are set to be "on top" (Instant Messengers, ICQ, Phone Call Tools etc.) can cause Sacred to be unplayable in full screen mode! We strongly recommend deactivating these applications before playing in full screen mode.

Starting problems under Win98SE und WinME: In the unlikely event, that Sacred has problems starting under Windows 98SE or Windows ME (for example, the game freezes) please use the window mode option. Please make sure, that the desktop color depth is the same as the chosen in-game color depth and that the resolution is at least 1024x768 or higher. (Please refer also to 6. "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)").
Tip: When the desktop is set at 1024x768, playing in window mode will feel the same as if playing in full-screen mode.

The nVidia 61.76 driver (latest version available for Win98SE/ME on 30.08.2004) will unfortunately cause a Bluescreen when you attempt to start the game! Regrettably, these drivers are not working as intended for Win98SE/ME. Please re-install the previous Version 56.64 or - depending on availability - install a later Version of nVidia drivers.

Problems with task changes while the CD is being checked: When you start the game, the copy protection will check your CD in order to authenticate it. This process could take up to two minutes or more, depending on your system. We strongly recommend not changing to another task during that process, as that might render the system instable.

Windows98FE (First Edition) and Windows 95 are not supported: The original release of Win98 does NOT support Sacred. We cannot guarantee the game will run as this operating system is almost 6 years old. The installation routine will abort if you attempt to install Sacred under this particular operating system. The minimum system requirement is Win98SE (Second Edition).

True Color Mode / Minor display errors in 16 Bit Mode: Minor display errors (for example flickering of character shadows) might occur in 16 bit mode in connection with certain spells (i.e. auras).
Starting the game in True Color mode can prevent these errors; however, depending on your system the game might run up to 30 % slower. You should only change to True Color mode if you have the recommended system requirements or above. (please also refer to 5. "System Requirements").

FSAA: You might experience display errors (black lines between textures) with certain graphic cards when FSAA is activated (please, see also 2. "Changes and Additions to the Manual"). We recommend deactivating this feature in these cases.
Please note that your system might slow down for up to 20 % when FSAA is activated.
It is also possible that this feature is directly enabled in your graphic driver options. If this is the case, you will have to disable FSAA not only in game, but also in your graphic driver options.

ATI cards: Right click on the ATI logo in your system tray; select Settings / ATI Display Settings / 3-D / un-check "User defined Settings".
nVidia cards: Right click on the nVidia icon in your system tray; select Performance and Quality Settings / Anti Aliasing Settings / check "Application controlled".
For other graphic cards, please refer to the manufacturer's manual.

Problems with inverted mouse buttons: If you use inverted mouse buttons (left-handers, for example) you can still use the right mouse button to click (the character will move to that destination); however, you will not be able to navigate your character by holding the right mouse button. Your character will still move to the position where you last clicked rather than where your mouse pointer currently is.

Minor graphics problems with older Matrox cards: Older Matrox graphic cards (i.e. G450/450) do not display the visible sections of the mini-map properly. You can deactivate the "Fog of War" option to avoid this error.

Minor graphics problems with on-board graphic cards: Some systems with on-board graphic chipsets (i.e. S3 Pro Savage DDR) may cause small lines to appear in the game graphics. This has no influence on the playability though.

Long saving process: On rare occasions, the saving process might take as long as a minute or more. If this happens it might be necessary to stop the game and reload a previously saved game. The game should save normally after that.

General tip: In order to prevent save games from becoming corrupt or damaged we recommend using a new slot each time you save your game.

5. System Requirements (back to top)
Minimum System Requirements:

Pentium III 800 MHz Processor (or equivalent)
256 MB RAM
1,6 GB free Hard Drive (HDD) space with at least 400 MB swap-file.
DirectX8 compatible graphic card with 16 MB RAM
Sound card with DirectX support
Windows 98SE, WinME, Win2000 or WinXP
For multiplayer games a 56K modem (internet) or network card (LAN)
DirectX 9

Recommended System Requirements (for optimal in-game performance):

Pentium IV 1,4 GHz Processor (or higher)
512 MB RAM
1,6 GB HDD space with at least 900 MB swap-file.
DirectX9 3D graphics card with 64 MB RAM(or higher).
DirectX9 compatible sound card
For multiplayer games DSL modem (internet) or 100 Mbit network card (LAN)
Windows 2000 or WinXP
DirectX 9

Important Notice: We cannot guarantee that Sacred will run on all laptops and notebooks. Since there are so many different types of systems available, it is impossible to test all of them. Additionally, the graphics chipsets are sometimes not identical with those of desktop computers. If your laptop/notebook fulfills the minimum requirements, Sacred will probably run; however, we regret that we are unable to offer any guarantee.

WARNING: If you are using Windows XP or Windows 2000, please make sure that you have administration rights in order to install and play Sacred. (On Home Computers you are usually the administrator of your system.) In order to use the "Update Software" option you must be logged on as the local administrator.

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (back to top)
Q: The videos are being incorrectly displayed in game. What can I do?

A: Please go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and activate the "Video Compatibility Mode".


Q: The game is not starting. What am I doing wrong?

A: A number of reasons can cause this:

Please make sure that you have installed the latest video, sound and motherboard drivers for your system. Please refer to 8. "Driver Help" for additional information.
Please note: Driver CDs that are included with hardware you purchase might be outdated!
Go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and deactivate "Play Movies". If the game starts after that, please install the "wmfdist.exe", which is located in the main directory of your Sacred installation folder.
Go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and activate "Video Compatibility Mode". If the game starts now, you have to install the latest graphic card drivers for your system. For more information, please refer to 8. "Driver Help"
Configure your desktop to 1024x768 (16-Bit color depth) by right clicking onto your desktop, selecting "Settings" and adjusting the slide bar accordingly. Additionally, please ensure that the 32-Bit option is deactivated in the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu.
Go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and un-check "Sound Activated". If the game starts now, you have to install the latest sound drivers for your system.
Go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and un-check "Fullscreen" in order to start Sacred in window mode.
There might be conflicts with the copy protection. If you have Virtual CD-ROM Drives (installed by Nero, Daemon Tools etc.), these should be deactivated or preferably uninstalled.
If you have a motherboard with an nForce-2-chip (i.e. ASUS A7N8X) you should reinstall your motherboard drivers and select "No" when you are prompted to install the SW Drivers.
If you see a Blue Screen and have Windows98SE/ME and an nVidia graphics card ("GeForce") please check your driver version. Unfortunately, the Version 61.76 (which is the current version on 30.08.2004) is faulty. In order to play Sacred you will have to install the older Version 56.64 or - depending on availability - a later version of nVidia drivers.


Q: Sacred crashes frequently. What could be the problem?

A: Go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and un-check "Fullscreen". If the crashes cease then the problem might be caused by applications running in the background, which are set to be "on top" (i.e. Messenger etc.). Please deactivate these applications before running Sacred. If the crashes persist, please make sure that you have the latest drivers for your graphic card, sound card and motherboard installed. Please refer also to 8. "Driver Help"
Sometimes crashes occur when the swap-file is not large enough. Please refer to the Windows Help function for information on how to increase the swap-file size.


Q: I have assigned all of my skill points when my character leveled up but there is still a large "+" sign. What am I doing wrong?

A: Look at the character statistics and click the red/green button next to "Skills" to switch to "Attributes" (or vice versa) where you will be able to assign further points.


Q: Everything in the game looks so blurred - what could be the problem?

A: Presumably, you are playing Sacred on a TFT or LCD monitor that has a different resolution to 1024x768 pixels. Please go to the Sacred "Settings" Start Menu and deactivate "Fullscreen".


Q: Why are Windows98 (First Edition) and Windows95 no longer supported?

A: Due to the age of these operating systems, we cannot guarantee that Sacred would run. This is mainly due to features, which these operating systems do not support but which are required to run Sacred successfully. As stated on the box, the earliest supported operating system is Windows 98SE.


Q: Sacred sometimes has black lines and boxes on the Main Menu and/or in game. What is the problem?

A: Please make sure that the latest graphic drivers are installed. Some cards also have "FSAA" problems. Deactivating these filters should solve the problem.
It is also possible that this feature is directly enabled in your graphic driver options. If this is the case, you will have to disable FSAA not only in game, but also in your graphic driver options.

ATI cards: Right click on the ATI logo in your system tray; select Settings / ATI Display Settings / 3-D / un-check "User defined Settings".
nVidia cards: Right click on the nVidia icon in your system tray; select Performance and Quality Settings / Anti Aliasing Settings / check "Application controlled".
For other graphic cards, please refer to the manufacturer's manual.


Q: There is a significant decrease of performance and the game does not run smoothly; especially while I am in town. What is the problem?

A: There are several means to improve performance:

Make sure that your system fulfills the minimum requirements. Please refer to 5. "System Requirements".
Your drivers might be out-dated. Install the latest drivers for graphic card, sound card and mainboard. Please refer also to 8. "Driver Help"
Deactivate the options "Filter active" and "32 Bit" to boost performance. This might be enough to increase performance by up to 50 %, depending on your system.
Make sure that you have enough hard disk drive (HDD) space available, especially when you have low RAM or a low graphic card memory.
Try defragmenting your HDD (Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Defrag). This will usually improve the overall system performance.
Make sure that there are no other applications running in the background.
Go to the in-game Options Menu and set the Graphic Settings to "Low".
Zoom in closer to your character; this will boost the performance considerably.


Q: I do not see any text in game. What is the problem?

A: Please make sure that you have the latest drivers for your graphic card installed. Please see 8. "Driver Help" for more details.


Q: What are the minimum or maximum levels that will permit me to change to another difficulty level in multiplayer mode?

A: The character level restrictions for the multiplayer difficulty levels are:

Character level 1 - 59: Access to Bronze Room
Character level 20 - 99: Access to Silver Room
Character level 60 - 139: Access to Gold Room
Character level 100 - 206: Access to Platinum Room
Character level 140 - 206: Access to Niob Room


7. Technical Help (back to top)
Windows 98SE / ME

Please make sure that you have no applications running in the background (for example anti-virus software). These applications should be deactivated.

Windows XP / 2000

Please make sure that you have the latest updates and Service Packs installed with Windows XP / Windows 2000. The most recent updates on the creation date of this Readme file are Service Pack 2 for Windows XP and Service Pack 4 for Windows 2000. In order to install these Service Packs please run a Windows Update from the Internet Explorer / Tools / Windows Update.

8. Driver Help (back to top)
Important Notice: Always make sure to deactivate your Anti-Virus software before installing a driver as it might interfere with the self-configuration of the driver.

If you are experiencing problems with your game, an outdated (graphic card) driver might well be the cause. Even if you have only recently purchased your graphic card, the drivers might be outdated as the card could have been manufactured a couple of months ago; only the drivers available at that time will be included with your hardware. Here is how you can find the latest drivers.

Please make sure that you know exactly which chip-set type your graphic card features before installing any drivers!

(i.e. TNT2 and GeForce) (International)


(i.e. Radeon) (International)


Various Graphic Cards Manufacturers - PowerVR (Kyro I / II) - Matrox - SIS


Mainboard Manufacturers - Intel Inc. - SIS - Via - nVidia


Sound Card Manufacturers - Creative Labs (Soundblaster) - Terratec


9. Customer Service (back to top)
We offer not only technical support but also a free internet board. This board is meant to assist with finding in-game solutions for players and to help finding tips and tricks.

Our website is located at:
You can also visit our board at:

10. Technical Support (back to top)
Due to the multitude of hardware and software components and the wide variety of system configurations, it is very difficult to eliminate all problems concerning the installation or operation of any software product.

Even though we make every effort to eliminate these problems through extensive testing, isolated errors may still occur but should be easy to fix.

In the unlikely event that you encounter any problems while playing Sacred, you can contact our customer service:

+49 (0) 52 41 / 96 69 0
(Monday to Friday 14.00 - 17.00 hrs, GMT +1)
Please make sure that you are at your PC while phoning and have all the relevant hardware information ready.

Alternatively, you can contact us by email:
If you prefer to contact us by email, please include all relevant hardware information in your message. We also request that you include a detailed description of the problem and the "DXDiag.txt" file. Here is how to create that file:

1.) Click on "Start" in your Windows task bar and then click on "Run".
2.) Type "dxdiag" in the dialogue field and click "Ok".
3.) The DirectX diagnostic tool will start now; please be patient while it checks your system.
4.) If the diagnostics process starts but discontinues your system is too unstable to run the game properly. You should download the latest version of DirectX from the Microsoft website and install it. Afterwards you should attempt step 3.) again.
5.) Click on "Save all information" and select the destination folder where the DXDiag.txt file will be created.
6.) Attach this file to your email.

You can also contact us by standard mail or by fax:

ASCARON Entertainment GmbH
Dieselstr. 66
D-33334 Gütersloh

Fax: 0 52 41 / 96 66 10


ASCARON Entertainment UK Ltd
Chantry House
High Street
Birmingham B46 3BP
United Kingdom

Fax: +44 (0) 1675 465570

The Ascaron Team hopes you will enjoy playing Sacred!

All names, trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners

Messagepar meta86_xl » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 5:02 pm

Ben je sais pas je ne vois pas trop de difference et J'ai beau chercher je ne trouve pas non plus les commande pour discuter avec un pote en privé moi en étant sur un salon et lui sur une partie, et je n'ais pas encore trouvais comment créé une F-list.
Pour le momment je suis un peu déçus!!! :hmm:
j'esper vite qu'une list de commande en FR vas paraitre c'est tout ce qu'il manque!!! ;)
"tout sert, rien ne se perd!!"
la force et en toi
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 20
Inscription: Mar Sep 07, 2004 8:33 pm
Localisation: In Hell

Messagepar Lord Angel » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 5:19 pm

Heureux ! Tout simplement heureux. La 1.7 change tout (enfin pas grand chose depuis la dernière version de BT, mais ça c'est normal). Purée, c'était le moment. On va enfin pouvoir se concentrer sur nos persos en HC et SC. :merci:
Pinkhammer.Gatling Lvl43 HC 1.7 - Archer
Lord Angel
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 22
Inscription: Mar Mai 11, 2004 12:55 am

Messagepar KaZemPo » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 7:12 pm

la 1.7 change radicalement ma facon de jouer ...

... le jeu crash windows a chaque lancement ...

... deg ...

ps: chuis anglophobe help :D
venez tester Ogame et rentrez dans le monde spacial de sacred-fr
Chasseur de Golems
Messages: 3521
Inscription: Lun Juin 14, 2004 11:30 am
Localisation: dans l'ombre de ma folie


Messagepar thebadpoet » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 8:39 pm

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, le mieux est de réinstaller le jeu au propre et d'appliquer que le patch 1.7.

@ Dercas : merci d'avoir poster un truc à 75 % inutile :lolol: Tu aurais pu trier les informations... :roll:

J'espère qu'il y a la marche à suivre dans le read me Fr pour mettre des couleurs dans nos noms de personnages,
et effectivement, une liste de commandes sera appréciée :jap:

La fixlist complète est ;)
Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism
We are the vandals - Type o negative.
Xandria - Vampirette - MP open
Stormbringer - Gladiateur - MP open
Wismerhill - Elfe noir - Solo
Annihilateur de Rats
Messages: 650
Inscription: Mer Mai 19, 2004 7:07 pm
Localisation: Charente-maritime 17

Messagepar Wolfoot » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 8:53 pm

Voila comment j'ai desintallé le jeu.

J'ai acheté Sacred le jour de la sortie, j'ai joué un perso solo sur toute la campagne, j'ai monté une seraph en Hardcore level 85 et deux mois apres, on m'annonce voila, on va sortir un patch qui va mettre vos persos au placard... soit y'avait (il parait) tellement de triche et de bugs qu'il n'y avait pas d'autre solution...
Bref, je me dis ok, je vais continuer de jouer ce perso tranquillement et on verra bien.

La dessus, ils nous sortent un patch 1.6 qui a la joyeuse idée, de regarder un peu tous les softs installés sur mon HDD pour détecter si y'a pas par hazard un logiciel d'emulation CD. En soit c'est pas genant sauf quand il me dit que je ne peux pas jouer a Sacred parce que j'en ai 1 d'installé... Bref, autant ce genre de softs est utilisé a mauvais escient (je reconnais des fois ca m'arrive) mais la j'ai beau desactiver le soft, il ne veut rien savoir. Bref jouant régulierement a 5 ou 6 jeux differents, j'utilise une iso de mon original cracké pour pas avoir a jouer au grille pain dans le lecteur de CD. Ca me derange mais je desinstalle le soft.

Je lance sacred, il me sort inserez le CD dans le lecteur ... limite il se fout de moi. Seule solution pour lancer le jeu, installer ce soft, le desinstaller mais pas rebooter. La je peux jouer (si je reboot je peux plus)
J'ai deja fait part ce de truc aux devs, pas de reponse, j'en ait deja fait part ici a la sortie du patch. Je me suis dit, ok, ils vont regler le pb...

Bref, apres 3 mois d'attente pendant lesquels j'ai petit a petit laissé tombé Sacred faute de motivation, ils nous sortent le patch tant attendu... Super il me sort la meme erreur, j'ai le CD original installé dans le lecteur et il me dit je le reconnais pas t'a un emulateur.... Cooooool ben vu que j'y jouait deja plus depuis 3 mois, ben c'est con, je vais le désistaller... Et qu'ils comptent plus sur moi pour faire de la pub.

Finalement les protections CD, ca ne prend la tete qu'a ceux qui achetent les jeux, vu qu'avec une version crackés, t'a meme plus besoin de te prendre la tete a echanger les CD. Comme si le numero de série suffisait pas pour jouer online, ils faut qu'ils nous pourrisent la vie..

Ben tant pis pour eux, moi ca me gave.

voilavoila, ca fait pas avancer le schmill, mais Ascaron vient de perdre un client et certainement pour les jeux a venir.
HC : Wolfyna - Seraphine L81
SC : Wolfyne - Wood Elfe L16
SC : Wolfoot - Mage L17
SC : Wolfgard - Gladiateur L15
SC : Wolfgara - Vampire L15
Solo : Vampire L41
Annihilateur de Rats
Messages: 525
Inscription: Jeu Mar 25, 2004 4:16 pm

Messagepar conrad » Jeu Sep 16, 2004 10:36 pm

Wahou, moi qui pensait que le patch sortirait à noël.

Bon, première impressions, pour avoir jouer à la beta, je n'ai vu quasiment aucuns changements. Sinon celui des téléporteur avec un reflet bizarre dedans (wahou formidable, ça avait le mérite d'être précisé). Toujours des bugs, des monstre à 0 pv invinsible, des serveurs qui laguent peut-être un peu moins quand même. Il semblerait que la plupart des bugs exploits/cheats ai étaient éliminé, c'est une excellente chose (mais pour combien de temps lol). Le pvp bronze est actif désormais, ça c'est génial :merci:

Pour les joueurs 1.66, vous serez content, y'a de grandes améliorations, pour les joueurs 1.7beta, là pas la peine de fantasmer, c'est une 1.7beta38 bis.

M'enfin n'allons pas raller, c'est déjà pas mal.
Messages: 786
Inscription: Sam Juin 26, 2004 1:38 am

Messagepar tjcontent » Ven Sep 17, 2004 8:15 am


Wolfoot ta pas de chance moi je le installer sur 3 ordinateurs
Et pas de problème

Et portant je installer Alcohol et daemon

Pour le crack v. 1. 7 je pense pas que ça existe
Perso HC : tjcontent ( Elfe des Bois lvl 150 )
Perso HC : terreur ( gladia lvl 54 )
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 20
Inscription: Sam Mar 27, 2004 9:48 am

Messagepar TESS » Sam Sep 18, 2004 1:42 pm

Pas de problèmes à l'install.

Sinon je ne vois pas de changement pour l'instant !
Tueur de Rats
Messages: 98
Inscription: Ven Aoû 13, 2004 6:39 pm
Localisation: Agen

Messagepar neopieter » Sam Sep 18, 2004 2:26 pm

moi j ai pas deprobklemes ... ;)
Pourfendeur de Rats
Messages: 175
Inscription: Sam Mai 08, 2004 8:59 am
Localisation: huy belgique

Messagepar lawry » Sam Sep 18, 2004 3:12 pm

ben mes n'veux , ils doivent être instables vos ordis ! :lolol: parce-que ici tout va bien sous le soleil :yeah:

bon , pour la frend list , faudra attendre apparemment . et mis a part que tout le monde c'est rué sur les serveurs suite au patch , c'est fluide et il y a peu de changement par rapport au beta 38 :cry:

si tu veux la liste des changements au complet , regarde sur ton dur le read-me , il est a jour si t'est patché et il est en français :yeah:

j'ai fait peu de quète , mais une est encore apparemment buggée , c'est celle de la fermière qui veut récupérer ses vaches à Porto Vallum , j'ai beau tuer tous les méchants , elle n'a pas voulu valider la quète

autre chose , maintenant quand tu veux communiquer uniquement avec ton équipe , plus besoin de taper "t" avant ton message , tu fait "Ctrl+Entrée" et ton message n'est adressé qu'a tes potes ! :yeah: ca c'est pratique !

pour ceux qui débarquent , la fenêtre de trade est un vrai plus , mais faut faire attention quand tu montre des pièces équipées que ton inventaire à suffisemment de place au cas ou l'autre fermerait la fenêtre inopinemment car tu perd celle qui n'ont pas de place (une place d'équipement n'étant pas comptabilisée pour l'inventaire )

il y a aussi le brouillard de la carte qui , d'une partie sur l'autre est sauvegardé , ce qui fait que tu n'est plus obligé d'aller a tatons en te disant :"ca doit être dans ce coin là qu'il y a ce put.... de dragon , j'en suis sur m..... !" là ou tu est allé auparavent , la carte reste claire !

y'aura surement d'autres changements a découvrir

Enjoy it !
Ravageur de Rats
Messages: 331
Inscription: Sam Juin 12, 2004 10:33 pm
Localisation: Nice

Messagepar Engoulevent » Sam Sep 18, 2004 6:32 pm

pas mal le patch bon il y a encore des gars deguisé en lapin, les monstre a 0 pv immortel et qulques lag sur les serveurs sinon c'est pas mal a quand la 1.8 pour finaliser :lolol:
mage lvl 53
seraph lvl 33
gladiatueur lvl 70
elf des bois lvl 23
vampire lvl 118
Égorgeur de Rats
Messages: 27
Inscription: Jeu Juil 01, 2004 9:42 am
Localisation: un peu partout

Messagepar elwe » Sam Sep 18, 2004 6:50 pm

Bon allez demain je reinstall le jeu pour tester tout ca :)

Peut etre de retour sur ce forum :) .
"Ce qui compte, ce n'est pas la chute mais l'atterissage !
Exterminateur de Gobelins
Messages: 1208
Inscription: Sam Mai 01, 2004 11:34 am
Localisation: la ou il y a des soj

Messagepar ManiHacK » Sam Sep 18, 2004 8:15 pm

ce que je trouve de plus cool dans cette version c,est les sets d"items unique !

lvl 22 avec mon battle Mage et j,en ai deja un complet !

Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 15
Inscription: Ven Avr 30, 2004 9:06 pm

Messagepar JOGA » Dim Sep 19, 2004 4:49 pm

Attention : je n'ai pas joué à la Bêta 1.7 !
Mes impressions se limitteront donc entre la 1.66 et la 1.7 ;)

Je trouve le jeu plus rapide.

Le vol de vie apparait à l'écran par une animation (mais ça tout le monde le sait, j'avais juste envie de la placer parce que je trouve ça génial ! Mais bon je vais vous faire grâce de la différence avec les items :lol:).

Mais, je ne sais pas si c'est normal, en multi (réseau local mode campagne) je n'ai aucunes quêtes aléatoire Image

Avez-vous déjà ressenti votre propre cosmos ?
Ravageur de Rats
Messages: 293
Inscription: Mer Juin 09, 2004 11:33 am
Localisation: Bandol

Messagepar Exploding Boy » Dim Sep 19, 2004 5:00 pm

J'ai essayé une heure avant de voguer vers d'autres cieux.
Exploding Boy
Annihilateur de Rats
Messages: 620
Inscription: Mer Avr 21, 2004 10:13 am

Messagepar XIII » Dim Sep 19, 2004 5:02 pm

franchement je preferait la beta au moins on avait de la place pour jouer

ascaron ............................
vaut mieux que je me taise
Tueur de Rats
Messages: 115
Inscription: Mer Juin 23, 2004 1:55 pm
Localisation: ici et la dans les lymbes de l'esprit

Messagepar Kruptos » Dim Sep 19, 2004 5:07 pm

Pour ma part, j'aime bien.

Pour ce qui est du nombre de serveurs, je suis d'accord avec XIII pour cela... Il n'y a pas assez de serveurs je trouve pour créer ses propres parties avec les potes.

Espéront qu'un jour ils en ajouteront... car 1 seul serveur privé pour le HC, c'est pas beaucoup, ni 4 serveurs privés pour le SC ;)
P'tit Guide de l'Elfe Sylvaine (WE 1.66c)
Mon Elfe Sylvaine (v.1.66c) : Kruptos lvl 169 à la retraite
Mon Glad (v1.7.5) : Kruptos Jr lvl 45
Ravageur de Rats
Messages: 323
Inscription: Dim Mar 14, 2004 11:07 pm
Localisation: Montréal, Québec [Canada]

Messagepar Shadow_BS » Dim Sep 19, 2004 5:07 pm

ManiHacK a écrit:ce que je trouve de plus cool dans cette version c,est les sets d"items unique !

lvl 22 avec mon battle Mage et j,en ai deja un complet !


Cela fait pas loin de 6 mois que je joues a Sacred, entre les version 1 -1.5 -1.66 - 1.66C - 1.7B23 - 1.7B31 - 1.7B38 (et j'en oublies) je n'ais jamais obtenu un set complet à un lvl aussi bas.

Je me trompe peut-etre et tu as le cul bordé de nouilles pour avoir autant de chance, mais je n'arrive pas a y croire.

modo Gorkk was here
Ne fais plus partie de ce Forum
Ravageur de Rats
Messages: 328
Inscription: Mar Mai 04, 2004 2:10 am
Localisation: Ales

Messagepar TESS » Dim Sep 19, 2004 6:22 pm

C'est vrai qu'il y a des chanceux, moi au 58 lvl j'ai eu du mal à finir une set avec un SB de 86%, et un set en 4 morceaux !

d'accord avec shadows_bs!
Tueur de Rats
Messages: 98
Inscription: Ven Aoû 13, 2004 6:39 pm
Localisation: Agen

Messagepar Moumouk » Dim Sep 19, 2004 8:44 pm

J'ai eu énormément de piéce de set avec ma seraph, au level 22 je devait avoir presque full uriel comme quoi tout est possible.

Sinon, le patch, c'est cool, moin de bug, systeme d'objet revut, fenetre de trade... Mais je sais pas, a part taper du monstre pour exp ya rien a faire dans ce jeu, on s'ennui, les quetes sont pas save donc ça sert a rien de les faire, ya pas de mode campagne en multi fermé... Enfin vous faites comment pour vous amuser ? T_T
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 12
Inscription: Lun Mai 31, 2004 3:31 pm
Localisation: Taverne

Messagepar ManiHacK » Lun Sep 20, 2004 8:27 am

comment [je les ai eus] ? aucune espece d'idée, j'ai plus de 600h de jeu solo avec les versions d'avant et le plus d'item que j'ai eu a du etre dans les 5-6 mais meme pas du meme set et la avec la 1,7 j'en ai eu 12 mais tous du meme set. En passant le Mage a un autre set que celui la ?

modo Gorkk was here
Dernière édition par ManiHacK le Lun Sep 20, 2004 9:02 am, édité 4 fois.
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 15
Inscription: Ven Avr 30, 2004 9:06 pm

Messagepar DAVE-nGs » Lun Sep 20, 2004 9:31 am

Faut dire que t'as pas choisi la facilité : s'appeler "maniHack" et défendre sa légitimité... c'est quand même bien limite :lol:
Dave-nGs Hc Closed
Annihilateur de Rats
Messages: 545
Inscription: Jeu Mar 11, 2004 1:58 pm
Localisation: Orléans

Messagepar ManiHacK » Lun Sep 20, 2004 9:34 am


J'avais pas pensé a ca mais c'est vrai que c'est drole.

Pour le nick ca fait des annees que je l'ai et je vous jure que je ne saurais meme pas hacké mon propre pc, :lolol:

en fait j'aimais le jeu de mot avec "maniaque" et non pas avec "many hack)
Chasseur de Rats
Messages: 15
Inscription: Ven Avr 30, 2004 9:06 pm

Messagepar Silver » Lun Sep 20, 2004 9:43 am


L'impression que me donne la 1.7 :

- SACRED redevient un bon jeu à la diablo en corrigeant les plus gros bugs.
- il reste du boulot encore sur certains bugs importants.
- le potentiel de ce jeu est en cours de restauration et la 1.7 est un passage vers une 1.8 ?
Égorgeur de Rats
Messages: 34
Inscription: Mer Juin 02, 2004 1:51 pm

Messagepar Greven » Lun Sep 20, 2004 10:43 am

Juste pour le set de Dagowit à aussi bas level, ça me semble tout à fait possible mais il faut être chanceux. Pour ma part je me souviens que ma vamp avait droppé tout le set de Starrion au niveau 30 sauf une pièce qu'elle droppa 5 niveaux plus tard. Et à en croire certaines personnes sur le net, ce set serait assez facile à dropper. Donc pour moi c'est un simple coup de chance.
Messages: 3740
Inscription: Jeu Mai 06, 2004 7:10 am
Localisation: Lyon

Messagepar Mystigris » Lun Sep 20, 2004 3:08 pm

Je pense que c'est possible, car avec mon bm j'en ai fait droppé pas mal depuis hier (je l'ai crée hier)
Je suis level 33 et j'ai fait droper:

1 hate de dagowit
2 brassards de dagowit
2 grappins de dagowit
2 spectres de dagowit
1 arec de terreur de polemide (arc)
1 brassard de polemide

+ une quantité inonbrable d'items jaunes parfois mieux que mon set dagowit

Le premier morceau de set que j'ai eu, j'etais level 6 et c'etait un gob à la crique d'argent, il m'a dropé 1 grappin.

On m'a donné un morceau de dagowit (je sais plus lequel), j'viens de m'en souvenir, mais comme je viens juste de faire dropper un troisiemme spectre, ca revient au même :)
Dernière édition par Mystigris le Lun Sep 20, 2004 4:15 pm, édité 1 fois.
Supercat Miaou bm lvl 67 hc
Supercat Miaou we cac lvl 87 hc
Tueur de Rats
Messages: 124
Inscription: Mer Aoû 25, 2004 1:26 pm


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